
The Choir of Hus

The two-manual conical pneumatic instrument was built by German firm Schuster and Son in 1904. After World War II the organ was taken from the destroyed evangelicalchurch in Rudník to Dobruška.The Art Nouveau organ case takes up most of the space in the choir and isit is evident that the organ was originally intended for a larger and higher choir.The label of the organ builder Josef Kloss, placed on thetable, testifies to the major repairs made by this organ builder in1939.

The instrument had been in a state of disrepair for many decades and in2014, the Provarhany Association initiated its restoration, whichhelped to raise the necessary funds and the whole event organizational arrangements. The organist Robert Ponča took over the work from Krnov and already at the end of 2015 the instrument was presented Public. The cost of this event amounted to 700 000 CZK. The ČEZ Foundation also contributed to the repair in the amount of 125 000 CZK and in addition to the contribution of the Hradec Králové Regionprivate donors also contributed financially to the event.

The instrument stands out especially for the intonational nobility of the individualregisters by a wide range of different tonal combinations.

Subsidies Hradec Kralove Region
144 000 CZK
Total organ repair budget
700 000 CZK

Manual I (C – f3, 54)
Bordun 16 ́
Principal 8 ́
Gamba 8 ́
Hohlflöte 8 ́
Dolce 8 ́
Octave 4 ́
Gemshorn 4 ́
Octave 2 ́
Mixtur 3x

II. manual (C – f3, 54)
Geigend Principal 8 ́
Schwebend Aeoline 8 ́
Salicional 8 ́
Gedackt 8 ́
Flute amabile 4 ́
Fugara 4 ́

Pedal (C – d1, 27)
Principalbass 16 ́
Subbass 16 ́
Octavbass 8 ́

I-P 8 ́, II-P 8 ́, II-I 8 ́, II-I 4 ́, II-I 16 ́, II 4 ́, I 4 ́

Fixed combinations: p, mf, f, tutti, Handregister ab,

Free combination, crescendo roll, blinds II. manual, tremolo

Ferenc Liszt – Consolation in D flat major

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