The single-manual mechanical drawer instrument was built by Ignaz Welzel in 1843. This is evidenced by the inscription on one of the bass pipes: “1843 this organ was happily completed by Mr. Welzel and his son Ignaz, both natives of Krulich. May the name of the Lord be praised for ever and ever Amen”.
The instrument is built into one classical organ case. Unfortunately, the original sound has been modified in the past and instead of a three-row Mixtur there is a Viola 8′. Also, the original tin prospectus pipes were replaced by zinc ones after 1918. Structurally, however, the instrument is preserved almost in its original condition, including the built-in playing table and air system. The keyboard with inverted covers, the carved pedalboard and the organ bench are also preserved. The instrument was repaired in the past by Jan Viktora from Prague (1862) and Jan Severa from Nový Bydžov (1923). In recent decades the instrument was in a state of disrepair and practically unused.
In 2021 and 2022, the instrument was repaired and preserved, during which the air system was supplemented with a fan. The work was carried out by Ivan Červenka and his sons Jiří and Pavel, who, among other things, added the missing wooden copulas.
Manual (C – c3, 49)
Copula major 8´
Viola 8´
Principal 4´
Flute minor 4´
Octave 2´
Pedal (C – a, 18/12)
Subbas 16´
Violoncello 8´